Carousels and Specials

Customized Carousels

You can also use LeafBridge to create customized product carousels using our built-in shortcode generator, and place them anywhere on the site.

Here is an example of United Cult branded flower sorted price low to high:

United Cult Flower

NOTE: when adding shortcode, to prevent the content being restricted or squeezed, make sure to add the shortcode block to a “group” block. Then set the group block to “wide” and ensure the “inner blocks use content width” option is turned off. This will allow the content to display wider than the paragraph width.


If you have configured special offers / deals inside Dutchie, you can display those on your site in a few different ways.

Option One: Display the specials “cards”. This will display clickable thumbs for each deal configured in your Dutchie dashboard. These cards are unstyled by default, but can be styled using CSS if desired.


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